The Paddle for Life started after lifeguards from Fistral Beach held a Joe Way memorial paddle to raise money for charity in 2008.  Joe is the inspirational little boy who touched people's lives around the country and beyond.

Our aim is to raise awareness of Joe’s story and inspire people to raise money for their chosen charity.

Charities We've Helped

The great thing about the Paddle for Life is that anyone can set up a paddle for any charity in the world. Charities that have already benefited from fundraising generated through the Joe Way website are as follows.

The Precious Lives Appeal – Children’s Hospice Southwest Little Harbour

Team Joe’s main charity has been The Precious Lives appeal which has built the only children’s hospice in Cornwall. After just four years of Joe Way dying and his website being set up we have raised over £70,000 for this appeal, this includes £800 raised by the Newquay lifeguards in the first “Joe Way memorial paddle 2008”

To donate to Little Harbour through Joe's 'Just Giving' page CLICK HERE
To read about why Cornwall needs a Hospice CLICK HERE
To see how we raised the money CLICK HERE


CLIC Sergeant

Team Joe Way supported the CLIC Sargent 'Soft Top Rally 2009' in memory of Harriet Cole which started at Hendra Holiday Park where Joe’s dad works. As always we thought of unusual way to take part by asking for the help of Dave Rowe with his pink cadillac and AMG’s star act the Vanity Girls.

To donate to CLIC Sargent through Joe's 'Just Giving' page CLICK HERE
To read more CLICK HERE


Tanya’s Courage

We have advertised events on Joe’s event page and face book page. Look out for a Paddle team from Tanya’s Courage.

To visit Tanya's website CLICK HERE


Ronald McDonald House in Bristol

Local Newquay boy Joe Way has been given a helping hand to sponsor a room for parents at the where his mum, dad and sister stayed. Joe spent over six weeks of his four and half month's admission in Bristol's Paediatric Intensive Care Unit. In all he spent the best part of 18 months in hospitals and needed round the clock care at home. We decided as a thank you from Joe, to raise £3000, to sponsor a room at the Ronald McDonald House which provides accommodation and supports families during these difficult times.

To donate to the RMH through Joe's 'Just Giving' page CLICK HERE
To read more CLICK HERE
To visit the RMH website CLICK HERE


Royal Cornwall Hospital HDU

The family of Joe Way handed over a donation of more than £6,200 to the children’s unit at the Royal Cornwall Hospital. Joe's family have received tremendous support from local fundraisers and businesses to raise £6,200 over the last three months to help the children's unit install an air conditioning unit in the paediatric high dependency area.

To read more CLICK HERE



We have had so much support from the beach lifeguards and the Newquay surfing community, they gave us the inspiration for the first Paddle.

The RNLI operates over 140 lifeguard units around the coast of the UK. They make a significant difference to safety on our beaches by providing an integrated rescue service from the beach to the open sea. Last year RNLI lifeguards saved more than 60 lives and assisted nearly 10,000 people.

To donate to the RNLI Beach Lifeguards through Joe's 'Just Giving' page CLICK HERE
To read more CLICK HERE


Sight For Sore Eyes

Ali is a little boy from Karachi, Pakistan, who is in excruciating pain, and who is close to having life saving treatment in the UK.

To read more CLICK HERE


The Lions Club

We have always had very strong ties with the Newquay Lions, who helped Joe when he was alive with equipment and they have helped and supported us through our Journey. Many thanks to you all.

To read more CLICK HERE


Little Haven

Owen Clements who has surfed with Joe’s Dad and is a family friend chose Little Haven as a Paddle for life charity, Owen is the Event Co-ordinator for the London Paddle. Little Havens Children's Hospice provides respite breaks, symptom control and end-of-life care for youngsters living with serious conditions and who are not expected to reach adulthood.

It aims to make their journey - and that of the family - as comfortable as possible, creating special memories along the way.

To read more CLICK HERE


Surfers Against Sewage

Surfers Against Sewage (SAS) are a UK-based non profit-making organisation campaigning for clean, safe recreational waters, free from sewage effluents, toxic chemicals, marine litter and nuclear waste.

They were founded in 1990 by a group of surfers, who were literally 'sick of getting sick' through repeated ear, nose, throat and gastric infections after going in the sea. Forming a local group they set about taking grassroots action to stop the sewage pollution at their local surf breaks in Cornwall.

They were swiftly joined by like-minded water-users from around the UK and created what has now become a highly successful national campaign that gives recreational water users a voice on building a clean and safe water environment.

Contact Rachel on 01872 555 945 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to organise your sponsor money going direct SAS.
To read more CLICK HERE


To have your charity listed as a beneficiary of a paddle event or to get in touch please email us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .

More Charities We've Helped...

All advertisers support the Joe Way Paddle for Life and have generously given their time and products to help raise money

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